Part-comedy, part-horror, part-satire, Discovering Scarfolk is the surreal account of a family trapped in the town. Through public information posters, news reports, books, tourist brochures and other ephermera, we learn about the darker side of childhood, school and society in Scarfolk.
"Discovering Scarfolk is a hilarious novel filled with so-creepy-it’s funny illustrations and a relentlessly silly back story...The entire thing is a well-deserved and cunningly observed parody of modern Britain, reminiscent of Jonathan Swift at times...The discomfort simply makes the gags funnier and the result is a book that is genuinely laugh out loud funny but also makes you wonder what is wrong with you. The laughter will stay with you for some time, as will the commentary."
- Starburst Magazine
"Tonally acute. Funny."
- Stewart Lee
"The parodies are so accurate you'll never look at the real thing in the same way again....A 'Must Read'."
- SciFi Now Magazine
"Beautifully realised."
- SFX Magazine
"The clever perfection of the parody images, combined with the Pythonesque word play and riffs on the stranger aspects of British culture, are a masterpiece in absurdist horror."
- The Daily Grail
"This Scarfolk book is brilliant. [It] makes me laugh like Peter O Toole - a sound of wheezy delight"
- Robin Ince
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